Immunity Moxibustion

What is Moxibustion?

Moxibustion is one of China's most ancient art of healing. It's herbal physical therapy originated in ancient times and had lasted for thousands of years. By using the Ai oil (or essential oils penetrate) to produce a comprehensive warm flow of qi in meridians or around the affected areas of the body, it helps to enhance vitality and blood circulation, promote greater health and well-being and at the same time moisturize the skin.

  • It is not uncommon for patients receiving moxibustion to report a sudden flooding of warmth that quickly radiates along a specific pathway (usually corresponding with the jing Luo channel that is being treated) away from the site of application. This is a good result, as it indicates the arrival of the Qi and signals that the flow of Qi and Xue has been freed in the channel.

  • Moxibustion can be used for:

    Pain due to injury or arthritis, especially in "cold" patterns where the pain naturally feels better with the application of heat

    Digestive problems and irregular elimination

    Gynecological and obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late-term pregnancy

    Protection against cold and flu strains

  • 1. reduce stress

    2. Neck shoulder and hand wellness

    3. Vertebral wellness

    4. Kidney wellness

    5. Intestines and stomach wellness

    6. Leg and foot wellness

    7. Eye wellness

    8. Liver wellness

    9. Breast wellness

    10. Ovarian wellness

    11. Ancient and magical effect of moxibustion beauty facial



30 minutes of treatment

A packet of moxibustion medication will be inserted inside our specialized machine, lit up and placed it in a special-made bag. The warm mist will be directed onto the corresponding part of your body (you can look up the acupressure point associated with the specific discomfort you are experiencing) and the heat will last for about 30 minutes. There are certain acupressure points you can treat with moxibustion on a daily basis that will help keep you in good health.


Mermaid Treatment

Experience Full Body Moxibustion
